Ada Developers Academy: Changing The Face Of Tech

Equality Can't Wait Challenge
Ada Developers Academy

Ada Developers Academy supports women and gender expansive adults, particularly from underserved and disinvested communities, in technology through an immersive training and internship program.

Last Updated: February 2025
Competition Participation
Equality Can't Wait Challenge
Equality Can't Wait Challenge
  • Georgia, United States of America
  • Washington, United States of America
  • Economically disadvantaged people
  • Indigenous peoples
  • Native Hawaiians
  • People of Southeast Asian descent
  • People of African descent
  • People of Asian descent
  • People of Latin American descent
  • People of South Asian descent
  • Women (19+)
  • Young women (19-25 yrs.)
  • 4. Quality education
  • 5. Gender equality

Executive Summary

Women represent only 26% of the computing workforce and 11% of senior leadership roles in tech. Only 3% of computing professionals are Black and there are zero Black or Latinx women CEOs of Fortune 500 tech companies. Women's quit rate (41%) in tech is over twice that of men (17%) and 31% of women feel stuck/unsupported in their careers. Ada advocates for and supports shifting the culture of tech to be more inclusive of women, gender expansive, BIPOC, and other underserved and disinvested communities, narrowing the gap in one of our most economically prosperous and culturally influential sectors. Through this project we are creating a self-perpetuating flywheel that brings women and gender expansive people into tech, retains and grows them into leadership roles, and enables them to hire and develop exponentially more women and gender expansive people.

Organization Details
Lead Organization

Ada Developers Academy

Organization Headquarters
Washington, United States of America
Organization ID
Number of Full-time Employees
10 to 25
Annual Operating Budget
$5.1 to 10 Million

Charity, fund, non-governmental organization, religious institution, school, or other entity

Organizations may provide budget and employee data based on this proposal or the organization as a whole. For more information on this proposal or organization, please email us.


Ada served over 400 participants in our Core software developer training program over the past year, including 275 who completed the program and 130 newly enrolled students; 30% were LGBTQIA+, 79% were people of color, 45% were racial minorities underrepresented in tech, and 86% were low-income. Despite the major downturn in the tech economy since fall 2022, 70% of graduates secured full-time employment as software developers within six months of graduation with starting salaries 200% higher than their pre-Ada salaries on average. Ada is now developing new AI learning modules to prepare our future graduates to be the most competitive junior developers in the job market.

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