Through the Built for Zero methodology, communities are working together to make homelessness rare and brief, guided by person-centered, real-time data and coordinated strategies.
Rosanne Haggerty, President of Community Solutions, the awardee of the MacArthur Foundation's 2021 100&Change, discusses the progress Built for Zero has made toward ending homelessness in 105 communities across the United States. Through Built for Zero, Community Solutions supports these communities by providing resources and assistance to make homelessness rare and brief. These communities design strategies and target resources guided by real-time, person-centered information, proving that homelessness is solvable with a community-wide team focused on the shared aim of ending homelessness.
Haggerty highlights the importance of having an appropriately resourced coordinating body accountable for reducing homelessness in every community. Sixty-four Built for Zero communities have achieved quality data enabling communities to understand who is experiencing homelessness, inflow and outflow, and what strategies and investments result in reductions in homelessness. Furthermore, improved coordination repurposed existing properties, and social impact finance can increase access to affordable housing. By 2026, the aim is to have helped cities and counties of all types solve homelessness, forging a new reality where ending homelessness is expected, not exceptional.

To learn more about Community Solutions Built for Zero's progress toward solving homelessness in 105 communities across the United States, visit the MacArthur Foundation website. There, you'll find additional information on how Community Solutions is working to make homelessness rare and brief through person-centered, real-time information and community-wide collaboration.
This story was initially posted on the MacArthur Foundation's blog, Perspectives. To stay up-to-date on the latest insights and initiatives from the MacArthur Foundation, visit their website and explore their range of programs and partnerships.