Executive Summary
Georgia Appleseed is a non-profit law and policy center advancing justice and equity for Georgia’s children and youth. We focus our efforts on Georgia’s Black and Brown children, children in foster care, LGBTQ+ youth, children with disabilities, and children experiencing poverty. We are creating a Georgia where every child attends safe, nurturing schools and has a stable, healthy home. Our staff and Board of Directors reflect the diversity of Georgia’s children. Almost 50% identify as Black, Native American, Asian American, or Latinx. Members come from rural and urban backgrounds, and some have direct experience with education, criminal justice, and foster care systems as well as with housing instability. Our data-driven approach to systems change has a proven track record of advancing policy and practical solutions that address the root causes of injustices. For nearly two decades, we have generated and implemented scalable change, particularly by leading transformative movements in School Justice and Housing Justice. Our more recent significant achievements include the crafting and adoption of Georgia’s new and more equitable juvenile justice code, and reforms in school discipline and climate that keep hundreds of thousands of children from entering the school-to-prison pipeline. We've also created new legal protections for tenants and built an eviction diversion program that has kept thousands of Georgians in their homes. Additionally, our individual advocacy for hundreds of foster care students each year keeps them in school and out of the juvenile justice system.Organization Details
Lead Organization
Georgia Appleseed, Inc
Organization Headquarters
Georgia, United States of America
Organization ID
Number of Full-time Employees
< 10
Annual Operating Budget
$1.1 to 5 Million
Charity, fund, non-governmental organization, religious institution, school, or other entity
Organizations may provide budget and employee data based on this proposal or the organization as a whole. For more information on this proposal or organization, please email us.