Executive Summary
Since 1978, Center for the Pacific-Asian Family (CPAF) has been on the leading edge of addressing domestic violence and sexual assault among Asian and Pacific Islander (Asian/PI) communities in and around Los Angeles County. Specifically formed to overcome the unique barriers faced by Asian/PI survivors of domestic and sexual violence, CPAF created the first multi-lingual 24-hour helpline assisting Asian/PI survivors in the nation. In 1981, CPAF opened the first multi-lingual and multi-cultural domestic violence emergency shelter in the nation that specialized in serving Asian/PI survivors, and has steadily expanded its programs to equip survivors and their communities to end violence.
Many of CPAF’s staff are first-generation immigrants, and about 90% are bicultural and/or bilingual, speaking 13 Asian/PI languages/dialects, plus Spanish. As we pursue our vision of an Asian/PI community that embraces healthy relationships and works in partnership with other communities to eradicate all forms of violence, those communities are OUR communities.
Through a 24-hour helpline, drop-in community center, emergency shelter, and transitional housing program, CPAF has helped thousands of survivors move from crisis and trauma toward safety, healing, and empowerment. Committed to supporting survivor self-determination, CPAF consistently listens to and supports survivors as they identify and connect to resources needed to advance along their own trajectory toward personal agency, practical independence, and healing from trauma. CPAF’s community program engages the community to raise awareness of these issues and provides multi-generational prevention education to break the cycle of violence. CPAF’s services are provided in up to 30 Asian/PI languages/dialects.
Lead Organization
Center for the Pacific-Asian Family, Inc.
Charity, fund, non-governmental organization, religious institution, school, or other entity
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