Executive Summary
Employment changes lives. It is the pathway to economic mobility for people around the world.
Over the past decade, the global employment landscape has undergone dramatic changes, some shaped by business trends such as automation and digitization and others by unprecedented crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. It has become clear that individuals seeking meaningful employment need the opportunity to gain the changing skills employers need.
Generation prepares talented unemployed or underemployed adults to access high-demand, growing career fields through a holistic, seven-step approach that yields high employment and income outcomes consistently and cost-effectively across countries and professions: (1) jobs and employer engagement from the start; (2) learner recruitment based on intrinsics, effort, and employment standards for the profession; (3) 4-16 weeks of technical, behavioral, mindset & professional presence skill training, with social support services provided; (4) interviews with employers for rapid job placement; (5) mentorship during and after the program and an alumni community that follows graduates into the workplace; (6) return on investment (ROI) for employers, students, and society; and (7) a data-centered approach at every step.
In addition, Generation advocates for approaches that will open up opportunity to everyone through original research and thought leadership on a wide range of topics including durable social impact measurement, skills-based hiring, midcareer and older worker experience, and more.
In 10 years, Generation's 130,000+ graduates have earned more than $1.5 million in life-changing wages
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Generation measures impact along three fronts: breadth, depth, and durability. Our goal is to move forward on all three dimensions simultaneously and globally. We define “breadth” as the number of learners who graduate from their programs, “depth” to capture the employment and income outcomes of those graduates within three to six months of program completion, and “durability” to measure financial and personal well-being over time.
In terms of breadth, Generation has graduated more than 85,000 people across 17 countries since 2015 and has worked with 11,000+ employers. This past year, 2022, Generation had 22,261 graduates, more than doubling the graduates from the year before, and worked with 4,414 employers.
Depth indicators also show great impact: 80% of graduates have found a job within 3 months of program completion, rising to 89% within 6 months. And 88% of those who were hired were placed in jobs directly related to their Generation training. 89% of graduates did not have a job before enrolling in the programs, which means tens of thousands of people were given opportunities to achieve economic mobility.
To track the durability of impact, Generation conducts an annual survey of alumni two to six years post-program completion. The 2022 survey results reflected more than 3,500 responses from 12 countries. According to the results, 70% of graduates can now meet their daily financial needs, 77% feel optimistic about their future, and 38% are able to save money for the future. This represents an important improvement since only 30% of learners can cover their daily financial needs before joining the programs, and only 14% can save money.
In addition, Generation’s most recent research report, Launching a Tech Hiring Revolution, launched in June 2023 and was developed based on a survey of thousands of employers, job seekers, and entry-level workers in tech roles, sparking continued conversation around skills-based hiring.